Protect your kids from Coronavirus


Protect your kids from Coronavirus

In recent few weeks, it has become necessary to make a conversation about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID – 19). It is easy for adults to gain awareness and understand the situation, but not for children. Children can get anxious and not understand what they are seeing online or on TV. This might strike panic, stress or sadness in them. An open and supportive discussion with your kids can help them cope with the situation and make a positive contribution to the society.

Here are a few points to bear in mind:

Maintain your calm

Children will react in according to what and how you say them. Remember kids can pick cues better than adults and can sense the tension. Explain them things in a child-friendly way.

Pay attention to what they see or read online about coronavirus

While we do believe that it is necessary to remain aware about the virus, too much screen-time focused on coronavirus can have adverse effect on their health.

Teach children to:

  1. Stay away from people who are sneezing and coughing
  2. Blow their nose in handkerchief
  3. To sneeze in tissue and discard the tissue immediately
  4. Regularly wash their hands with soap and water
  5. Not spread rumors
  6. Maintain a good hygiene
  7. Not touch nose and eyes frequently
  8. Keep things clean
  9. Inform parents if they are feeling sick

Things parents should remember:

How do I stop my kids from touching their faces?

There is no good answer for this. You can use basic child-like tricks to stop them from touching their faces frequently.

How should I talk about coronavirus to my kids?

Keep it simple, age-appropriate and fact-based.

Why isn’t my kids’ school being closed?

May be the school and public health officials are looking for a potential infection in their immediate school before closing. In India, all schools across the nation are closed till 31st March.

What do we do if school is canceled?

You can use online resources to help your kids continue learning

How to protect myself and my family amidst Coronavirus outbreak?

  1. Stay attentive to the newest information on the COVID-19
  2. Frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer or wash with soap and water.
  3. Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Follow good respiratory hygiene
  6. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  7. Avoid traveling

      The focus of Kidstudio will always be your well-being. We wish that everyone remains safe from the Coronavirus.

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